ei lita bok om store krefter
Ei billedbok skrevet av Erna Osland. Utgitt på Omnipax 2023
My picture book from January 2017.
Published by Skald Forlag
Vev vel
Illustrasjoner til bok om veving, laget av Norges Husflidslag 2016
Monster under senga
Picture book written by Siri Gjelsvik. Published by Cappelen Damm 2017
BURSDAG by Jan Chr. Næss and published by
Cappelen Damm in 2016
KYSS EIN BOKSTAV by Erna Osland. Illustrated book. The cover is printed on lovely matte paper and with an embossed hand drawn title.
Skald 2011
MAMMA ER EN LUFTBALLONG (My mum is a hot air balloon) is my second self initiated picture book, and it´s also published in Russia.
Gyldendal 2004
MONS MARIUS ER EI LØVE is written by Bente Bratlund, designed and illustrated by me, and published by Mangschou publishing in 2010
«Princess Aasta» is my very first picture book. Published by Bloomsbury children´s books in the UK in 1999. Copublished in Norway, Denmark, Holland and France the same year. The book was also published in the US a few years later. You can find the story in «Den store Prinsesseboken» from Aschehoug Publishing house.
RAUDE VILLE GEITER by Astrid Grønsnes.
Samlaget 2010
TRÅDBOKA by Annie Eikenes. Wool, silk, linen and cotton. Facts and history presented withe the help of these two characters; Gimber and Katta. Layout and Graphic design by Tress Design.
Unika forlag 2009
SÅ INNMARI EN SYKKEL by Øystein S. Ziener.
Aschehoug 1999
MISUNNELIGE MAGDA (Envious Evelyn) is my third self initiated picture book.
Gyldendal 2011
ORDLEIKSBOKA Illustrations on each and every one of the 218 pages. Written by Olaf Husby, Øystein Vangsnes and Sylfest Lomheim. Graphic design by Silje Nes. GULL i årets vakreste bøker 2009.
Skald 2008
ARKIMEDES OG SNØBALLEN is the 4th book in a series about Arkimedes the cat, Eureka and her father. Hans Sande is the brilliant author.
Gyldendal 2012